Cable Sizing Application

Click here to register to use our cable sizing application

What Changed

So that we can focus all our efforts on our new application, we have retired our cable sizing calculator. We recommend you now use our main cable sizing application over at

Cable Sizing Software - select, size and manage your power cables using myCableEngineering. All your cables, for all your projects.
  • LV and MV cables up to 33 kV with current capacity in accordance with BS 7671, ERA 69-30 and IEC 60502.
  • Positive and zero sequence impedance to IEC 60609. Voltage drop in accordance with CENELEC CLC/TR 50480.
  • Project management and team collaboration, with clear easy to read calculations and reports.

Our software is the only cloud-based solution and has been built from the ground up to be fully responsive - meaning you can access your cables from anywhere and on any device, desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Complex Number Calculator

x =  
 + i  
     decimal places    
y =
 + i

x = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]
y = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]
1/x = NA
1/y = NA

x+y = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]
x-y = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]
x*y = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]
x/y = NA

Electrical:   x = 0.000 @ a power factor of 1.000
y = 0.000 @ a power factor of 1.000

m = 0.000 + i 0.000   [= 0.000 @ 0.000o]

Tip: registered users can save calculations.

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