ABB Technical Guides - Motor Operation 

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ABB Motor Technical GuideABB has produced a range of technical guides that offer concise explanations of the major technologies and technical issues in low voltage AC drives.  The technical guides cover subjects such as the basics of variable-speed drives, dimensioning a drive system, electrical braking, harmonics and AC drives, and bearing currents.

 Currently the ABB site lists the following guides:

  • Application Guide, Guide to extruders in AC drives
  • Sustainability guide, Driving energy efficiency worldwide, ABB motors and drives
  • Technical Guide, Direct Torque Control
  • Technical guide, Functional safety
  • Application guide, ABB drives, Using variable speed drives (VSDs) in pump applications
  • Technical Guide, EU Council Directives and Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems
  • Technical guide, EMC compliant installation and configuration for a power drive system
  • Technical Guide, Guide to Variable Speed Drive
  • Technical Guide, Bearing Currents in Modern AC Drive Systems
  • Technical Guide, Guide to Harmonics with AC Drives
  • Technical Guide, Dimensioning of a Drive system
  • Technical Guide, Electrical Braking
  • Technical guide, Guide to motion control drives

The guides can be accessed at:

ABB Technical Guides - Motor Operation

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

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  1. beho2000's avatar beho2000 says:
    9/1/2011 2:11 PM

    Thanks alot for this guide Could you pleas help me to find ( Worked Example on DOCWIN) best wishes

    • Steven's avatar Steven says:
      9/1/2011 2:11 PM

      I have not used DOCWIN. We mainly AMTECH here. If you Google you may be able to find something, otherwise I would just play around with the software. You could also try starting a forum post and see if anyone else has examples.

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