What are you reading! 

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What are you reading!
Reading is a bit of a hobby of mine and I"ve done a few off-topic posts in the past on this.  Rather than continue doing the occasional post I thought I would create a master post, where anyone (including myself) who wants can add a comment on what they are reading.

If you feel like sharing anything to do with reading, just add a comment.  No particular requirements, it can be anything - top 10 books, favorite author's, what you are reading now, what you plan to read, etc. 

To keep things neat and tidy, I've also put together a list of links to of my earlier book posts (did think I had wrote more than four posts, but obviously not):

Welcome back Bottle - on Steven Erikson's Malazan series

Lead us, Warleader - on Steven Erikson's Malazan series

Bows and Arrows - partly inspired by Bernard Cornwell's Azincourt

Magicians of Engineering - inspiration from a children's book

Don't forget, if you have any reading related stuff to share - just add it below.

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

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  1. Steven's avatar Steven says:
    12/17/2011 9:58 AM

    Recently started re-reading Raymond E. Feist's Midkemia (Magician) series of books and glad I did. Once started it was like returning home - familiar places but a lot of things I had forgotten. With re-reading the books seem to move at a faster pace then I remembered, but they are great all the same. I am going through them in published order, started with the Riftwar Saga (Magician, Silverthorn and a Darkness as Sethanon). Just recently finished the the Empire Trilogy (Daughter, Servant and Mistress of the Empire). First time I read the series, the Empire Trilogy were my favorite three books and I'm guessing they will still remain so after I have completed the full re-read. If anyone is thinking of re-reading the series, or has never read it before, I would fully recommend it.

    When finished with Midkemia, I"m planning a re-read of George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman series and will then try Patrick O'Brians Aubrey Maturin series of books.

  2. Steven's avatar Steven says:
    5/28/2012 9:05 AM

    Just reached the end of Midkemia; well not quite - still waiting for the last book in the series to be published. The Empire Trilogy is still favorite, although for some reason I also really like Honoured Enemy this time round.

    I’ve decided not to return to Flashman immediately and have started on Patrick O‘Brians, Aubrey Maturin series. Half way through Master and Commander and so far so good. Exactly what was expected, lots of historical details and a great story. Given the number of books in the series, it’s going to keep me busy for a while. Time to host the topgallants and set sail in search of prize money.

  3. Steven's avatar Steven says:
    6/6/2012 2:32 PM

    Quick update on the Aubrey and Maturin series (half way through book two).

    First off – great books, enjoying them tremendously and can clearly see myself working through all the books.

    I guess I was expecting a kind of Sharpe [Bernard Cornwell] in the Navy set of stories, but have been pleasantly surprised by the books being different. While base around the Navy at the time of the Napoleonic wars, the central theme is the friendship between the two men [Aubrey and Maturin]. Their friendship and combined with the sailing (and land) adventures is making more compelling reading then I would have imagined.

    Giving the series a big big thumbs up and highly recommend them to eveyone.

  4. Steven's avatar Steven says:
    6/27/2012 11:41 AM

    Reading book four [Aubrey and Maturin] which as good news as it means there is still a lot more to come.

    I need to take back my earlier statement of having no Sharpe [Bernard Cornwell] in the books. Aubrey, while more obese and in the navy does in fact have a lot of the same attributes as Sharpe. Honour, integrity and most of all a will to fight and being very good at it. Elements of the story and plots can also be pretty much in the same vain. Any Sharpe fan should like these books.

    What I am finding different, is the use of language - both the narrative and dialogue between protagonists. Not being an historian I don't know how accurate it is of the time period, but it really is pretty amazing and a joy to read.

  5. Steven's avatar Steven says:
    6/30/2013 7:21 AM

    After finishing with Aubrey and Maturin, I've been working my way through Joe Abercrombie's novels.

    Won't say too much, except they are infinitely better than I expected. Definitely one of the best authors around. If you read his books, you won't be disappointed.

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