Dan Ryan's Articles

Dan Ryan works for Gil-lec, an Electrical Wholesaler based in the UK. They supply electrical goods such as extractor fans, consumer units, chrome switches, fire alarms and other electrical goods at competitive prices. They also supply to contractors all over the UK and have been voted the UK's Best Electrical Wholesaler for the fourth year running.

What is LED?

Light Emitting Diodes (LED ) are increasing gaining favour in both the domestic and commercial sectors; due to their efficiency, sustainability and durability.  LED are semiconductor devices, which work on the movement of electrons.  This movement of electrons converts the energy supplied to the LED into protons, producing light. This process is called electroluminescence. Depending on the band of energy used by the semiconductor in the device, an LED can be a number of different colours and can be used in a variety of ways, from creating the infra-red beam in your TV remote, to providing white light for illuminating your home.

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Cable Sizing Tool

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How to Check a Circuit is Dead

If you want to check a circuit is dead (not live), you should always use the three point method. First check a known live circuit, then check the dead...

Low Voltage Fault Tables

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Random Numbers

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Understanding Motor Duty Rating

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