A battery consists of one or more cells, each of which use stored chemical energy to produce electrical energy, There are many types of cells and these...
What does N+1 mean?
The term 'N+1' relates to redundancy and simply means that if you required 'N' items of equipment for something to work, you would have one additional...
Fault Calculation - Per Unit System
Per unit fault calculations is a method whereby system impedances and quantities are normalised across different voltage levels to a common base. By removing...
EU Code of Conduct on Data Centres - Best Practices
The European Union is implementing a voluntary code of practice for participants with the aim of improving the overall efficiency of data centres. As part...
Closed Doors
"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong...
Windows Live Writer and myElectrical
When making adding a Note to our site we have a great online WYSIWYG editor and things are pretty simple. However, if you prefer you can write, manage...
Restricted Earth Fault Protection
The windings of many medium and small sized transformers are protected by restricted earth fault (REF) systems. The illustration shows the principal of...
Software Usage Guidelines
Using software in our work is essential for most of us and we are becoming even more dependant on it's use. While software is a great asset, many times...
Why a Sine Wave?
I received this question by email a few weeks. First thoughts was that it is a product of the mathematics of rotating a straight conductor in a magnetic...
Autonomous Vehicle Challenge
Two driverless and solar power vans have departed from Italy on their way to China via the silk road. During the 13,000 kM trip the vans will drive themselves...