Albert Einstein
1879-1955 |
German-born theoretical physicist who formulated the special and general theories of relativity. Famous mass equivalence formulae of E=mc2. Awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics. |
Alessandro Volta
Italian physicist best known for the development of the voltaic pile (battery). SI unit of voltage, the volt is named after him.
Alexander Graham Bell
Scottish scientist and inventor. Famous for his work on the telephone.
André Marie Ampère
1775-1836 |
French physicist who worked on electromagnetism. The SI unit of current, the ampere is named after him. |
Benjamin Franklin
Founding Fathers of the United States, author, politician, printer, scientist, philosopher, publisher, inventor, civic activist, and diplomat. Invented the lightning rod and the famous kite experiment.
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
French physicist who pioneered research into friction and viscosity, the distribution of charge on surfaces and the laws of electrical and magnetic force.The SI unit of charge, the coulomb and Coulomb's law are named after him.
Charles Babbage
English mathematician, philosopher, mechanical engineer and computer scientist. Originated the idea of a programmable computer.
Charles Proteus Steinmetz
1865-1923 |
American Mathematician and Electrical Engineer. Instrumental in developing theories of alternating current t and hysteresis. |
Claude Elwood Shannon
1916-2001 |
American electrical engineer and mathematician. Founder of practical digital circuit design theory |
Enrico Fermi
Italian physicist noted for his work on the development of the first nuclear reactor. Awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on induced radioactivity. |
Frederick Winslow Taylor
American engineer who worked on improving efficiency, specifically in steel production. |
Georg Simon Ohm
German physicist having influence on the development of electrical theory, specifically Ohm’s Law. SI unit of resistance, the ohm is named after him.
George Westinghouse
American entrepreneur and engineer and founder of the Westinghouse company. Awarded the AIEE's Edison Medal ' in 1911 for achievement in connection with the alternating current system. |
Guglielmo Marconi
Italian inventor known for his development of a practical radiotelegraph system. Shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun. |
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
German physicist who contributed to the fundamental understanding of electrical circuits. Famous for his two laws of circuit theory.
Hans Christian Oersted
Danish physicist and chemist. Known for discovering the relationship between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism).
Harry Nyquist
Swedish engineer who carried out work on information theory, thermal noise ("Johnson-Nyquist noise") and the stability of feedback amplifiers.
Hendrik Wade Bode
Pioneer of modern control theory. Widely known for developing the asymptotic magnitude and phase plot that bears his name.
Heinrich Hertz
German physicist who demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic waves. SI Unit of frequency, Hertz is named after Him.
Isaac Newton (Sir)
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, and natural philosopher. Three laws of motion and the groundwork for classical mechanics. Regarded by many as the greatest figure in the history of science.
Jack S. Kilby
American electrical engineer who co-won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2000. Inventor of the integrated circuit. |
James Clerk Maxwell
Scottish mathematical physicist. Formulated a set of equations on the basic laws of electricity and magnetism, called Maxwell's equations.
James Prescott Joule
English physicist who studied the heat, mechanical work and energy. Discovered the relation between current through a resistance and heat dissipated, now called Joule's law. SI unit of work, the joule is named after him |
James Watt
Scottish inventor and engineer. Implemented improvements to the steam engine which were fundamental to the Industrial Revolution. |
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
1768- 1830
French mathematician and physicist. Known for the Fourier series. The Fourier transform is also named in his honor. |
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
German mathematician and scientist. Contributed to number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy and optics. Known as "the prince of mathematicians" and "greatest mathematician since antiquity".
Johann Christian Andreas Doppler
Austrian mathematician and physicist. Famous development of the Doppler effect. |
Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
German mathematician credited with the modern "formal" definition of a function.
John Ambrose Fleming (Sir)
English electrical engineer and physicist. Invented the first vacuum tube and diode. Famous for the left hand rule (for electric motors).
John von Neumann
Hungarian-born mathematician. Many contributions to quantum physics and mathematics. Pioneer of the modern digital computer von Neumann algebra.
Leonardo da Vinci
Italian mathematician, ,architect, anatomist, sculptor, engineer, inventor, musician, and painter. Famous for his paintings of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Conceptually invented a helicopter, a tank, the use of concentrated solar power, a calculator, a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics, the double hull, and many others.
Leonhard Euler
1707- 1783
Swiss mathematician and physicist. Considered to he preeminent mathematician of the 18th century and one of the greatest of all time
Ludwig Boltzmann
Austrian physicist famous for his contributions in the fields of statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics. |
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
German physicist.Considered the founder of quantum theory. |
Michael Faraday
1791-1867 |
English chemist and physicist. One of the best best experimentalist in the history of science, he is commonly regarded as the father of electrical engineering. SI unit of capacitance, the farad, Faraday constant and Faraday's law of induction are named after him.
Niels Bohr
Danish physicist. Made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics. |
Nikola Tesla
Serb-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Significant contribution to alternating current, magnetism, polyphase power and the ac motor. SI unit measuring magnetic flux density, the tesla, is named after him.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
British theoretical physicist . Founder of the field of quantum physics and formulated the “Dirac equation”. Shared the Nobel Prize in physics for 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger. |
Pierre-Simon Laplace
French mathematician and astronomer. Discoverer of Laplace's equation and the Laplace transform is named in honor
Robert N. Noyce
1927- 1990
Nicknamed "the Mayor of Silicon Valley", co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel. Awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor in 1978 " for contributions to the silicon integrated circuit.
Samuel F. B. Morse
American inventor of the Morse Code. |
Satyendra Nath Bose
Indian physicist, best known for his work on quantum mechanics. He is honored with the naming of the boson.
Simeon Denis Poisson
French mathematician and physicist.
Thomas Alva Edison
1847-1931 |
Prolific American inventor, with over 1,000 patents. Most famous for the development of the practical incandescent light bulb. Other notable achievements include the phonograph and advancements on the utility distribution and the motion picture industries. |
Vladimir Zworykin
A pioneer of television technology. |
Wilhelm Eduard Weber
German physicist who made significant contributions to wave theory, and electromagnetism. SI unit of magnetic flux, the weber, is named after him.
William B. Shockley
British physicist and inventor who co-invented the transistor. Awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics.
William D Coolidge
1873- 1975
American physicist contributing to the development tungsten as filaments and the Coolidge tube.
William R. Hewlett
American engineer and co-founder of the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP).