Low Voltage Switchroom Design Guide
Low voltage (LV) switchrooms are common across all industries and one of the more common spatial requirements which need to be designed into a project. Main LV switchrooms will typically contain free standing switchboards and Motor Control Centres (MCC), along with auxiliary equipment required for the room to function (bus ducts & cable containment, distribution boards, lighting, small power, air-conditioning equipment, fire fighting, etc.). In addition LV switchrooms often also house other related equipment – marshalling panels, UPS systems, control panels etc..
This article gives some design guidance for the correct sizing of these rooms.
In laying out the LV switchroom, actual switchboard dimensions should be used. Typical switchboard dimensions would be:
- height would be 2.2 m (2000 mm for the switchboard and a 200 mm plinth)
- width 600 mm to 1050 mm depending on construction
- depth 600 mm
- weight 200 to 400 kg per panel
Room Dimensions
Switchroom Clearances
Clearances around switchboards should comply to local regulations. In the absence of other guidelines the following minimums can be used:
- Switchboards rear clearance
- 0 cm for front entry switchboard
- 75 cm for rear entry switchboard
- Switchboard side clearance
- 100 cm for all switchboard
- Switchboard front clearance
- 70 cm (150 cm preferred) for all switchboards
- Vertical clearance above switchboard
- 400 mm (may require additional)

Design Considerations
- access for personnel (normal and emergency)
- access for equipment (installation, operation and maintenance)
- regulatory compliance and approvals
- cable containment and entries
- earthing and grounding
- water sealing (if below ground)
- air conditioning, lighting & small power
- fire detection, alarm and suppression
Environmental Category
Room climate is to IEC 60721-3-3
- IR1 (indoor) - good heat insulation, air conditioned; office, shops, etc.
- IR2 (indoor) - good heat insulation, air conditioned, heating/air conditioning may out of service for several days
- IR3 (indoor) - no heat insulation, not air conditioned
See Also