What happened to the cable notes? 

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If you are wondering what happened to our cable notes, the short answer is that we have moved them to myCableEngineering.com

The "Knowledge Base" at myCableEgineering.com has tonnes of useful technical information on power cables.  By adding our myElectrical cable notes, this resource, is now even better.    The "Knowledge Base" at myCableEngineering is free to use, and you can browse topics or use searches to find the exact information you need.  Users who register on the site can also take part in technical discussions on the various topics.

While you are visiting myCableEngineering.com, you should also check out the main attraction - their "Cable Engineering and Sizing Application". The application allows you to manage cables on a project.  Cables can range from low voltage to 33 kV, and you can use international sizing standards such as BS 7671, ERA 69-30 and IEC 60502. Being cloud based you can engineer your cables on any devices, anywhere and at any time. 

If power cables are of interest to you,  now is a perfect time to look at myCableEngineering's "Knowledge Base" or try out their "Cable Engineering and Sizing Application".

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

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