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In addition to being easy, contributing is a great way to promote yourself known and become known throughout the community.

If you want to contribute, there are two main ways to do this:

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  • Questions [and Answers]

Notes Posts

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  • To get you going, the following posts may be helpful:

Tip:  once you have published your post, it is not fixed.  You can always edit and improve the post – this post is one I am updating which I originally published early in 2010.

Questions [and Answers]

Questions [and Answers] are really what they say.  If you need to as a question or like to help out by answering you can do so here.  Our question and answer system also has an inbuilt reputation system, so you can see your esteem growing question by question (or answer by answer).

Don't be afraid to jump into a discussion. We are a supportive community that likes to encourage our members.  To ask a question, just click the "Ask a Question" button in the questions section of the site.

To understand the question and answer system, the following posts may be helpful:

Next Steps

If you a first time contributor, now is a great time to get involved and start building your reputation.  If your an established contributor, just keep up the good work.

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

comments powered by Disqus

  1. Mullac's avatar Mullac says:
    9/1/2011 2:11 PM

    Thanks for the effort. New front page looks good. Hope you get more contributions.

Comments are closed for this post:
  • have a question or need help, please use our Questions Section
  • spotted an error or have additional info that you think should be in this post, feel free to Contact Us

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