HTML Symbol Entities 

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HTML supports a variety of entity symbols which can be entered using either numbers or an entity name. The number or name is preceded by the ‘&’ sign and ends in a semi-colon (;). To enter a symbol switch to HTML view in the editor and enter the number or name (Ω for example).

Cut and past is also supported.  Select the symbol from this page, ‘ctrl C’ to copy.  Position the cursor in the editor and ‘ctrl V’ to paste.

Math Symbols

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
∀ ∀ for all
∂ ∂ part
∃ ∃ exists
∅ ∅ empty
∇ ∇ nabla
∈ ∈ isin
∉ ∉ notin
∋ ∋ ni
∏ ∏ prod
∑ ∑ sum
− − minus
∗ ∗ lowast
√ √ square root
∝ ∝ proportional to
∞ ∞ infinity
∠ ∠ angle
∧ ∧ and
∨ ∨ or
∩ ∩ cap
∪ ∪ cup
∫ ∫ integral
∴ ∴ therefore
∼ ∼ similar to
≅ ≅ congruent to
≈ ≈ almost equal
≠ ≠ not equal
≡ ≡ equivalent
≤ ≤ less or equal
≥ ≥ greater or equal
⊂ ⊂ subset of
⊃ ⊃ superset of
⊄ ⊄ not subset of
⊆ ⊆ subset or equal
⊇ ⊇ superset or equal
⊕ ⊕ circled plus
⊗ ⊗ circled times
⊥ ⊥ perpendicular
⋅ ⋅ dot operator

Greek Letters

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Α Α Α Alpha
Β Β Β Beta
Γ Γ Γ Gamma
Δ Δ Δ Delta
Ε Ε Ε Epsilon
Ζ Ζ Ζ Zeta
Η Η Η Eta
Θ Θ Θ Theta
Ι Ι Ι Iota
Κ Κ Κ Kappa
Λ Λ Λ Lambda
Μ Μ Μ Mu
Ν Ν Ν Nu
Ξ Ξ Ξ Xi
Ο Ο Ο Omicron
Π Π Π Pi
Ρ Ρ Ρ Rho
Σ Σ Σ Sigma
Τ Τ Τ Tau
Υ Υ Υ Upsilon
Φ Φ Φ Phi
Χ Χ Χ Chi
Ψ Ψ Ψ Psi
Ω Ω Ω Omega
α α α alpha
β β β beta
γ γ γ gamma
δ δ δ delta
ε ε ε epsilon
ζ ζ ζ zeta
η η η eta
θ θ θ theta
ι ι ι iota
κ κ κ kappa
λ λ λ lambda
μ μ μ mu
ν ν ν nu
ξ ξ ξ xi
ο ο ο omicron
π π π pi
ρ ρ ρ rho
ς ς ς sigmaf
σ σ σ sigma
τ τ τ tau
υ υ υ upsilon
φ φ φ phi
χ χ χ chi
ψ ψ ψ psi
ω ω ω omega
ϑ ϑ ϑ theta symbol
ϒ ϒ ϒ upsilon symbol
ϖ ϖ ϖ pi symbol

Other Entities

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Œ Œ Œ capital ligature OE
œ œ œ small ligature oe
Š Š Š capital S with caron
š š š small S with caron
Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ capital Y with diaeres
ƒ ƒ ƒ f with hook
ˆ ˆ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent
˜ ˜ ˜ small tilde
    en space
    em space
    thin space
‌ ‌ zero width non-joiner
‍ ‍ zero width joiner
‎ ‎ left-to-right mark
‏ ‏ right-to-left mark
– – en dash
— — em dash
‘ ‘ left single quotation mark
’ ’ right single quotation mark
‚ ‚ single low-9 quotation mark
“ “ left double quotation mark
” ” right double quotation mark
„ „ double low-9 quotation mark
† † dagger
‡ ‡ double dagger
• • bullet
… … horizontal ellipsis
‰ ‰ per mille
′ ′ minutes
″ ″ seconds
‹ ‹ single left angle quotation
› › single right angle quotation
‾ ‾ overline
€ € euro
™ ™ trademark
← ← left arrow
↑ ↑ up arrow
→ → right arrow
↓ ↓ down arrow
↔ ↔ left right arrow
↵ ↵ carriage return arrow
⌈ ⌈ left ceiling
⌉ ⌉ right ceiling
⌊ ⌊ left floor
⌋ ⌋ right floor
◊ ◊ lozenge
♠ ♠ spade
♣ ♣ club
♥ ♥ heart
♦ ♦ diamond


ASCI Codes

In addition to HTML symbol entities, it is sometimes useful to be able to quickly enter symbols using ASCI codes. 

The enter a symbol using ASCI codes, press 'Alt' and type the code on the number keypad.

The following table lists some of the more useful codes for your posts:

Arrows Greek Other

↨ - 23, up and down arrow

↑ - 24, up arrow

↓ - 25, down arrow

→ - 26, right arrow

← - 27, left arrow

↔ - 29, left and right arrow

α - 224, Alpha

Γ - 226, Gamma

π - 227, Pi

Σ - 228, summation

σ - 229, Sigma

µ - 230, Mu

τ - 231, Tau

Φ - 232, Phi

Θ -233, Theta

Ω - 234, Omega

δ - 235, delta

∞ - 236, infinity

φ - 237, Phi

ε - 238, Epsilon

≡  - 240, equivalent symbol

± - 241, plus or minus

≥ - 242, greater or equal

≤ -243 less or equal

÷ - 246, division

≈ - 247 approximate

° - 248, degree symbol

√ - 251, square root

To enter Ω, press the ‘Alt’ key and enter 234 on the numeric keypad.

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

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