Cable Sizing Software 

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When sizing cables nearly, everyone uses some form of software. This ranges from homespun spreadsheets to complex network analyses software. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Spreadsheets are familiar, easy to use and can be up and running quickly. Given the nature of cable sizing, it can be difficult to get the necessary calculations into a spreadsheet, leading to technical inaccuracies, approximations and lack of validation. Network analysis software, which overcoming any technical limitations, requires a higher level of technical input, can be time-consuming and often the cost is prohibitive. is a web-based application which sits in the middle ground. It is easy to use, technically accurate and aims to overcome the disadvantages associated with spreadsheets or network analysis software. For any projects where you would use a spreadsheet, myCableEngineering is superior, and while it does not have the system analysis capabilities of high-end network software, for cables it has the same if not better technical relevance.

To try out the application, just visit, click on registration to create a new user and start working with your cables.

Steven McFadyen's avatar Steven McFadyen

Steven has over twenty five years experience working on some of the largest construction projects. He has a deep technical understanding of electrical engineering and is keen to share this knowledge. About the author

myElectrical Engineering

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